Lucie and the Last Dreamer

My Little Wizarding War

I stumble to my feet. Where’s the sword? Bungisgan is clearly judging the merits of finishing off the helpless bravo with his dagger. I better interfere with a ploy, worst case he’ll just see through it like always. Yes, I make bold assumptions in the detailing of my play-acting; that comes as second nature to… Continue reading My Little Wizarding War

Lucie and the Last Dreamer

Observation, realization, misinformation?

The demonstration of this grisly art is quickly finished and you are left contemplating on what to do next. Bungisgan, on the other hand starts to organize the expedition towards Saur at best possible speed. You are again struck by his ability to organize things, besides his obvious ailments. Perhaps his ability to function is… Continue reading Observation, realization, misinformation?